LIRC Luxembourg International Rowing Club


Winter workshops Atelier

Published Wed 11 Dec 2019

You are welcome to join the atelier we will have starting this Sunday 15th of December at the hangar in Schwebsange.  The session will start at 9:30 till 11:30 and you are free to come at any time and stay for an hour or two.

We will target the third w-e of the month, the next date will be announced using the Whatsapp LIRC group and the activities calendar on this website - Please register to announce your participation.

We are all doing this on a volunteer basis and giving some time to the club and taking care of the equipment you will use over the season is quite rewarding.  It's a great team effort in a friendly and relaxed ambiance!

Here is a list of the main tasks we identified so far.

- ** Frauenlob triple: fix the pedals, grease the seat wheels, eventually sand the stern and repaint

- ** Trailer: add the two frames, swap the broken frame, add the lights

- ** Caravan: take out the waste, collect the tools and store them in the new cabinets

- Empacher: epoxy resine, primaire painting, sanding, two layers of blue paint

- Aquilon : add deck plate, repair stroke watch mounting

- Filippis: apply polish wax to bleach the hulls

- All boats: check slides, wheels, oar locks, clean, add grease,....