LIRC Luxembourg International Rowing Club



Published Sun 25 Jul 2021

We are organising a First-Aid-Course for our members in collaboration with the CGDIS (Corps Grand-Ducal d’Incendie et de Secours), the different fire and rescue centers (CIS), as well as the municipal administration of Schengen.

The 16 hours course will take place on the 12th and 19th September 2021 from 8 am until 5 pm (with a 1 hour lunch break in between) in the room above the ‘Brasserie du Port’ at the camping ground in Schwebsange. The courses will be held in English.

We will have lunch together at the restaurant and can choose between three different meals. Lunch and drinks will be at the charge of the participants. 

If you are interested, please register here prior the 1st August 2021, by selecting the 12th September only. Since we are limited to 20 persons and in case of more people interested, the priority will be given to trainers and captains. In case of interest, an additional course can be organised next year.

Please note that you will have to attend on both dates, participation in courses intended for the population are organized free of charge !

All participants will receive a certificate which is valid for 5 years. Exercises will be given during the courses, there will be no additional exam.

First Aid skills are very valuable, we of course hope that we will only ever have to practise them during such a course. 

Safe rowing!

Your LIRC Committee