LIRC Luxembourg International Rowing Club


AG Meeting on March.8 at 7pm

Published Fri 15 Feb 2019

Dear member,

You are kindly invited to the yearly AG meeting (General Assembly) of our club.

The meeting will take place at the cellar we use for our BBQ parties,

waistroos street in Bech-Kleinmacher, near the church - at 7pm on Friday, the 8th of March.

The meeting will be followed by a drink.

Link to the event

Please mark this date in your agenda - We hope to see many of you!


During this meeting, we will honour our 3 top rowers of 2018 - see the TOP10 here below.

Congratulations to everyone!  For the full list, please see the CHALLENGE tab on this website.

Position Name Kilometer Sessions km/Session
1. Spriet, Michéle  1673 km 131 12.7 km
2. Massaro, Elisabeth  1447 km 117 12.3 km
3. Danelli, Claudio  715 km 73 9.7 km
4. Fries, Michel  656 km 70 9.3 km
5. Carini, Giulio  651 km 53 12.2 km
6. Robert, David  616 km 63 9.7 km
7. Bajzova, Jana  612 km 45 13.6 km
8. Fries, Katty  576 km 59 9.7 km
8. Rubber, Duck  576 km 50 11.5 km
10. François, Jean  551 km 61 9.0 km